Inequality Stewardship Plan

How UPP will exercise active ownership to support the mitigation of inequality within our investment portfolio.

About this plan

As a diversified, long-term investor, UPP’s ability to realize adequate investment returns and provide retirement benefits depends on stable and low levels of inequality in opportunities and outcomes across society. We believe that addressing inequality as outlined in this plan reflects our fiduciary duty and is in the best interest of our members as it helps protect their long-term retirement income.


September 2024


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This plan sets out the steps UPP will take in 2023-2025 to realize the stewardship commitments of our Climate Action Plan and address the risks associated with climate change.

The Climate Transition Investment Framework was created to support the commitments outlined in UPP’s Climate Action Plan. It supports our ability to manage the impacts of climate-related risks on fund performance and capitalize on opportunities for long-term value creation.

Part of being a responsible investor is advancing climate readiness across our portfolio. Our Climate Action Plan details UPP’s commitment and path to net-zero portfolio emissions by 2040 or sooner, with an emphasis on decarbonizing the real economy.


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